-Marloe Mannetter
I've known Marloe since we were both in about second grade, and we've been best friends since third grade. Because of our names, Marloe and I lined up right next to each other in the mornings before school. I also remember in fifth grade, every other week we got to sit next to each other in class too! I'll always remember our sleepovers, our notebooks, our secrets, and our imaginary worlds. Marloe was my first best friend and someone I'll always hold close to my heart.
-Kasia Skrzypczynska
Kasia and I met in Middle School Band with Mr. Otterson. She was new to the school and we happened to be "cubby partners" because we sat next to each other in the clarinet section. Thinking back on it, I have to laugh because I know Kasia is always a bit shy around new people, but now I only see the vivacious, smart, and fun girl I've known ever since! I'm glad that Kasia and I have stayed close even though distance now separates us, and I know she's always right there for me.
-Kristina Kaker
Krisi and I have been friends since middle school band as well. That clarinet section had some pretty rockin' chicks in it, that's for sure! Krisi and I also worked together at Ace Hardware for a lot of years and it was great having someone to chat with on slow Sundays up at the register. Krisi has always been someone I knew I could to go with any problem, no matter how large or small - and she's been there for me, with a hug and some great advice.
- Christ Christon
Christ is Andrew's god-brother, and best man. Andrew and Erin are happy knowing they'll have a lot of support from friends and family throughout the planning process and as they start their lives together as husband and wife. Thanks, Christ, for sharing in our big day!
- Ryan Schremp
Ryan and Andrew met while working for CompUSA. They have been friends for many years, and Andrew stood up in Ryan's wedding as well. Ryan has been a good friend to both Andrew and Erin over the last few years, and it will be very nice having him there with us on our wedding day too!
-Alexander Lorandos
Alexander is Andrew's younger brother. Having family with us on our special day means a lot to us, and it will be great to know that he'll be there to support Andrew!